My Blogging Experience

Over the course of the past twenty-four days, I have learned a lot from my blogging experience. In the beginning, writing posts was difficult and time-consuming. I would stare at my computer screen and not know what to first look up or what to write. As I gained more momentum, I would immediately know what to search. After reading the article, I would know the exact approach to take in order to convey what I felt to be important to my audience. I have always been intimidated by word counts and open requirements. This project has shown me that I am capable of doing lots of writing and achieving word counts is not as time-consuming as I once thought.  I first would find an article that I felt to be useful and informational. I would then read the article and think about what the article was trying to convey and my perspective of the article. I would then explain the article and the main purpose in my post. The more blogs I wrote, the more comfortable I began to feel with myself as a writer. I feel I am now extremely knowledgeable on the subject of technology.

After this blogging experience, I have become more self-aware of the amount of technology in my everyday life. I now know that there is a potential to become addicted to technology as well as the health risks associated with excessive technology use. I am aware of the impact that technology has on the environment. I believe I will think twice next time I think I need the newest device when my current device is still in workable condition. I have realized that perhaps I have too much technology in my life personally. I have realized I need to cut back on technology in order to maintain a more balanced life.

I feel that with this knowledge I could explain this topic in depth to any audience should the topic come up. I know the dangers and benefits of technology and realize that everything is good in moderation. However, too much technology can lead to an unhealthy, unbalanced lifestyle. Obesity and eye strain are just a few of the negative health effects of overuse of technology. I know multiple subject areas about technology, ranging from the effect on the environment to the effect on developing brains. I know the dangers of the internet to children’s safety and the dangers of cell phones behind the wheel.

I feel that this process has made me a better, more fluid writer. I realized that not everything you post must be your best, most top notch work. Sometimes when you write, you are explaining a topic to yourself as much as you are explaining it your audience. I learned how to write for the fun of writing, rather than just for the grade. Because of this I have overcome my fear of writing and my tendency to be a perfectionist. I used to think everything had to be perfect, which is impossible. Now I realize that writing can be used to simply explore a topic.

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